Sunday, March 26, 2023

Day 8 - Visiting Fam

 Saturday we left Greensboro, NC and arrived at Eric and Myra's around 11AM.  It was cloudy but 80F.  Ed's scooter is spanking new, he had not even ridden it.  So we unloaded and took the scooters around the block just for the heck of it.  There is nothing like the smell of a new engine burning off all the paint, but all was good, it runs great. 

Ed wanted to make a modification of his scooter rack and needed some material.  Since Eric works at a welding fabrication shop part time, we took a ride to his shop and Lowes for some material.  Ed and Eric got the mod done quickly.

This is the shop owner's little truck under construction. I told Eric that I want pictures when that beast is done. 

Eric has many hobbies and is always making things. This trip he made us Christmas ornaments on his laser table.  Very cool. 

The weather was so nice Ed and I even got a short ride on our mountain bikes. Eric and his neighbors have made lots of trails around the area.   Later in the afternoon Ed and I took the scooters for another spin, June gave me a list so we set out to find the grocery store. The wind here is pretty constant and strong, into the wind the scooters top out at about 55 mph, downwind....they go way faster. We had a good ride and got the necessary supplies. 

For dinner Eric and Myra put on a feast. Eric had been cooking ribs for 2 days and they were amazing.  Myra made a dessert that even after all those ribs, we could not help eating it all. It was a family filling day, we all had a great time catching up. 

Sunday, Myra and Eric set off for Church, we loaded up and are setting off for Charleston...maybe. 

The weather for the next few days is forecast to be rain, so we are still waffling on our direction from here, but most likely it will be south. 


  1. What was it you once said? "I want to take a ride on it but wouldn't want to be seen on it?"

  2. At a certain age you turn into a honey badger.

  3. Great overnight visit with Eric and Myra. And besides the dessert, Myra made a wonderful breakfast for us Sunday before church. Family, it doesn't get much better.....

    1. Yes, I forgot to mention the great breakfast....and we got the recipe for Myra's cheesecake crescent rolls.


Blog Comments - This post is purely to capture the blog comments for our book.

  Jean  commented on  " Day 12 - Driving to OBX " Mar 31, 2023 It was a great dinner. Thanks for the idea June.    Matt  commen...